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Moth Hour

Moth Hour, page 1

[a comic drawn in black in a simple style and colored in shades of gray]

First panel: A drawing of houses at night with someone looking out one of the windows. Text: 2020: Every night, around two am, I wake up. It started early in the pandemic.

Second panel: Woman lying in bed awake. Text: Sometimes I'm only awake for a few minutes.

Third panel: Woman looking out the window. Text: Other times, it's for hours.

Fourth panel: Clock showing the time of 2am. Text: Only the time is consistent.
Moth Hour, page 2

First panel: A bat flying around eating bugs. Text: I try to  imagine what's going on outside.. a bat hunting mosquitoes. 

Second panel: A skunk. Text: A skunk meandering.

Third panel: A mask on a dark background. Text: But I'm distracted by very real sounds -- the funeral home the back windows look out upon is very busy; it feel like the most activity happens well after midnight.

Fourth panel: A funeral home worker with a gurney with a sheet-covered body strapped onto it. The worker is wearing a mask and is standing in a driveway next to an open hearse. Text: I try to focus on the bat and the skunk instead of the slamming hearse door.
Moth Hour, page 3

Panel 1: A woman laying in bed, awake; the clock reads 2:05am. Text: 2021: The funeral home is quieter, but I'm still awake for every two am.

Panel 2: A man sitting on a stoop yelling into a phone; a cricket chirping; BEEPBEEPBEEP of a car alarm. Text: In summer, I can hear a mix of drunk people yelling, crickets chirping, and car alarms...

Panel 3: Two people at the funeral home standing outside smoking next to an urn used as an ashtray. Text: And smell the funeral home workers' smoke breaks.
Moth Hour, page 4

An image of a suburban street with houses and telephone wires. Text: 2022: We moved away from the funeral home and the general noise.
Moth Hour, Page 5

Panel 1: A hand holding a cell phone; the time reads 2:08. Text: But still...

Panel 2: An opossum in a tree. Text: So I'm back to thinking of the nighttime creatures.

Panel 3: A whip-poor-will in a tree with the sound of its call drawn out behind it: whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will

Panel 4: A fox walking in front of some bushes.

Panel 5: A Great Horned Owl perched in a pine tree at night, hoo hoo hoo-ing.

Panel 6: A katydid making "katydid katydid katydid" sounds and two moths flying. Text: But it feels like darkest night belongs to the insects. The katydids. The moths.
Moth Hour, page 6

Panel 1: A woman lying down on a black background with several moths flying around her. Text: I imaging the moths landing with a soft fluttering of wings

Panel 2: The woman's eyes are closed and moths are all around her head; the moths are in color. Text: As I finally drift off to sleep.

Moth Hour is included in Pieces: Short Comics.

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